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Fashion Magazine


COVER and full story

COVER and full story

Theo Doro on the cover of IntElegance

El Paso Fashion Week, Theo Doro

El Paso Fashion Week, Theo Doro

Story in Many Pics: El Paso Fashion Week . Theo Doro Fashion at El Paso Fashion Week

Check out an interview with designer

Check out an interview with designer

Check out an interview with designer of Theo Doro Dorota Zglobicka

Listen to PODCAST with Dorota

Listen to PODCAST with Dorota

Listen to PODCAST with Dorota by finding arizona podcast .

Theo Doro in Arizona Foothills Magzi

Theo Doro in Arizona Foothills Magzi

After Fashion Show Runway of Hope 2018, our outfits were published in az foothills magazine featuring our models. models SHOP THOSE LOOKS

COVER with Theo Doro dress

COVER with Theo Doro dress

MMM magazine.

Theo Doro published in GLADYS mag

Theo Doro published in GLADYS mag

Arizona Foothills Magzine, Theo Doro

Arizona Foothills Magzine, Theo Doro

Interview with designer of Theo Doro, Dorota Zglobicka

Theo Doro published in PUMP magazine

Theo Doro published in PUMP magazine

Fabulous Arizona, Theo Doro designer

Fabulous Arizona, Theo Doro designer

Interview with designer of Theo Doro, Dorota Zglobicka

Theo Doro in 12News

Theo Doro in 12News

As seen on 12NEWS, shop those looks online

Film And Fashion Futures BLOG

Film And Fashion Futures BLOG

The Most Fashionable Place To Be... written by Eva Louis Read about Theo Doro (last quote)

Theo Doro seen by Codename Couture

Theo Doro seen by Codename Couture

Theo Doro Designs as seen by fashion blogger Jennifer

Theo Doro in UK Institute Magazine

Theo Doro in UK Institute Magazine

Photographed by Carrie Evans for Theo Doro. UK based Institute Magazine has published her fashion story in their online magazine and social networks.

Indie Soleil Magazine, Theo Doro

Indie Soleil Magazine, Theo Doro

From the collection Cinderella From page 22-25



The red dress was custom made for Makayla Diaz - the model on the cover. See Theo Doro Kids Line

Arizona Foothills Magazine Theo Doro

Arizona Foothills Magazine Theo Doro

Interview with designer of Theo Doro, Dorota Zglobicka

Theo Doro Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

Theo Doro Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

Check out Tucson Fashion Week spread in Tucson Lifestyle Magazine! Two Black Theo Doro dresses (Page 77)

AVANT GARDE Magazine September Issue

AVANT GARDE Magazine September Issue

Theo Doro published AVANT GARDE Magazine September Issue 2016 Check out page 42-47

FINE MAGAZINE fall fashion issue

FINE MAGAZINE fall fashion issue

Theo Doro fashion brand featured in Fine Magazine

Avant Garde Magazine, Hollywood Issu

Avant Garde Magazine, Hollywood Issu

Avant Garde Magazine, Hollywood Issue-2016_2 Theo Doro Dress published

Arrow Teen Magazine, issue June

Arrow Teen Magazine, issue June

page 44-45 and 46-47

Theo Doro on the cover of MERAKI MAG

Theo Doro on the cover of MERAKI MAG

interview: page 31 and feature: page 62-75

Tucson Model Magazine, Theo Doro

Tucson Model Magazine, Theo Doro

Issue #14, 2016

Factual Fashion, Theo Doro

Factual Fashion, Theo Doro

All about Tucson Fashion Week 2015

AzFoothills Magazine and Theo Doro

AzFoothills Magazine and Theo Doro

Interview with Dorota about Theo Doro​ and Tucson Fashion Week​ in Arizona Foothills Magazine​. See page 78

The Morning Blend and Theo Doro

The Morning Blend and Theo Doro

Paula Taylor appeared in Theo Doro dress on the Tucson Morning Blend TV Show.

Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, Theo Doro

Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, Theo Doro

All about Tucson Fashion Week! In October 2015 issue, you will find Theo Doro dress.

Theo Doro, Visit Tucson

Theo Doro, Visit Tucson

"Visit Tucson" online. Meet the designers of Tucson Fashion Week 2015

Theo Doro, TFW webpage

Theo Doro, TFW webpage

Fashion Arizona Meet Up

Fashion Arizona Meet Up

Theo Doro was one of the sponsors of the event.



A Paul Mitchell focused salon

Arizona Daily Wildcat

Arizona Daily Wildcat

International Polish designer Theo Doro takes her organically conceptualized designs from the history of fashion, movies and fairy tales. “Sometimes, I am inspired by a piece of beautiful fabric, which I find somewhere in my mom’s closet, then I see the whole collection at once,” Doro said. “And sometimes, there is a song, like ‘Porcelain Doll,’ a lovely Polish song from my childhood, about a doll of porcelain-music box, which stands alone on a dressing table.” READ MORE

Smile it's Jackie Photography

Smile it's Jackie Photography

It was so cool because each designer had their own concept where their models were pretending to "have a tea party" or "pretend to sing" to show off the pieces and what they meant.

Cuture In The Suburbs

Cuture In The Suburbs

Tucson Fashion Week always does a wonderful job of attracting a star-studded line up for their interesting and unique fashion week. Last year, we had had the privilege of seeing and interviewing Betsey Johnson herself at the fashion week down south.

Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

Tucson Fashion Week photo shoot for Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

videostory by WroclawVita

videostory by WroclawVita

Raport by CupcakethPolskie Szafiarki

Raport by CupcakethPolskie Szafiarki

"Theo Doro to sukienki, bluzki i spódnice, w których modelki wyglądały jak laleczki (: Fajne, zwiewne, urocze (:"...

by Carmella Fashion Blog

by Carmella Fashion Blog

raport by Not So Misereble Life

raport by Not So Misereble Life

..."Korzystając więc z okazji, skusiłam się na zakup prześlicznej sukienki marki Theo Doro, którą dostrzegłam na paradzie projektantów. Jak dla mnie cała kolekcja jest po prostu bajeczna, przepełniona pastelowymi barwami i koronkami, ujmuje delikatnością i sprawia wrażenie wyjętej prosto z baśni :) Myślę, że to na pewno nie jest mój ostatni zakup ubrań tej marki i z niecierpliwością czekam na otwarcie sklepu internetowego :)"...

report from show by Kari

report from show by Kari

THEO DORO – marka tworząca bardzo wdzięczne, dziewczęce stroje w cukierkowym klimacie, inspirowane historią mody i balansujące pomiędzy kostiumem a sztuką użytkową

gazzeta online

gazzeta online

"Nam szczególnie spodobały się te, które wyszły spod igły marek Theo Doro ..."

fashion raport by Judy

fashion raport by Judy

..."Theo doro przenosi nas w zaczarowany świat baśni. To marka, która łączy ze sobą świat realny z "pastelową krainą Oz". Dorota Zgłobicka (autorka kolekcji) proponuje nam połączenie vintage z nowoczesnością, kreacje zwiewne, romantyczne i lekkie."..

by Wroclaw Fashion Meeting

by Wroclaw Fashion Meeting

newspaper Metro

newspaper Metro



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